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Old 02-26-2013, 03:48 PM
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somewherebeyondthesea somewherebeyondthesea is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 120
somewherebeyondthesea is on a distinguished road

Astneria Starfish- I have those as well but they appear to be harmless, makes me think that maybe there are two similar species....

Vermatid Snail- destroyed it with pliers quick and easy, not really harmful, just an irritant

Aptasia - had 3 of them on my corea clam --> just add peppermint shrimp all gone within 3 days

Planaria Flatworms - had a few on my black suncoral (even after I coral Rx'ed it!) just recently added a Flatwormicide...Lost my stomatella snails in the process even after a 30% water change ony 30min after adding the stuff

Zooanthid eating nudibranchs- I had many! it took me a while to figure out what they were but I set up a zoo hospital! basically did 5min freshwater dips in RO water and scrubbed with a toothbrush to remove eggs. Didn't lose a single polyp
......You taught our hand speed,skill, and grace.... go beyond our dwelling place..... -Father John W. MacGillivray
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