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Old 02-24-2013, 08:10 PM
noy noy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Toronto
Posts: 98
noy is on a distinguished road

Shoot perpendicular to the glass and use a macro lense - this eliminates any distortion.

As for the Sun Corals - i have a routine where I feed with blood worms and brine alternatively. I wait until the main lights go out (which is 10pm for me) and feed. The fish will leave the food alone that way (asleep or in their little caves). I use "julian's thing" for the brine and a small turkey baster for the blood worms. I direct food into the heads. The Tubastrea don't need a lot of precision in feeding but with the dendro you do need to make sure the each head gets fed. Right now i feed every other day.

When you get them I would really recommend a daily feeding regiment because they are usually in bad shape at the LFS.

Otherwise they are pretty easy to keep and very forgiving as far as water parameters.
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