Howdy everyone,
I'm looking for a new ballast for my 14 gallon BioCube. It currently only has one working light in it and I'd like to change that now that I have some new tenants in it. (I was fine with it only having one light while it cycled.)
I've called around to a few places here in Edmonton and haven't had much luck... One store even told me that it was going to be $120 to get it in and it would take 4 weeks to get here... Slightly ridiculous in my mind.
I'm willing to pay for shipping if I can find it cheaper elsewhere. I found one place in the states through Oceanic's website, they wanted $49 for it (which I would gladly pay) but wanted an extra $45 for customs and shipping.
If anyone knows where I can get it around Edmonton, or in Canada for that matter, please share your wisdom!

Startin' fresh... 14g Biocube up and running...

My other furry kids love the new tv.