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Old 02-21-2013, 05:10 PM
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FragIt Dan FragIt Dan is offline
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The link that Parker posted up made reference to the expectation of an easy hack to make the 10000's 0-10v controllable. I agree it is not good of them and think it is BS... but making the best of the existing situation perhaps with a mod you wouldn't have to replace them. I understand the controller can be unplugged from the pump? If this is the case the new controller with the RJ45 should be an easy swap onto your existing pump, assuming they make the plugs the same. Just and idea.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I really only purchased the wavelines for the ability to control them externally with 0-10V when a new controller would be released. Kind of annoying it seems I'll have to buy two new pumps if I want that feature. Looks like a completely new design as well so current versions will probably be discontinued along with any hopes of obtaining replacement parts, also annoying seeing how they just came out, literally.

Some of these companies need to do proper R&D and testing prior to releasing products to the public. We're not your beta testers.
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