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Old 02-21-2013, 04:12 PM
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Baldy Baldy is offline
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Location: Camrose, AB
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
This thread might be worth a read regarding the Wavelines, not sure if the issues have been addressed.
Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
Not really, you can get VFD's (variable frequency drives) to control AC pumps. A lot of commercial/industrial buildings use this method for their pumps and fans to cut down on energy costs. Small VFD's have come down in price a lot but whether the cost of adding one would save you any money in the long run or not I couldn't say, and not at all if you are just going to run the pump at 100% all day long. Not all motors are VFD compatible either so that is something else to confirm. If I were starting from scratch and needed a return pump I would go with a DC model if it was as capable as a similarily priced AC pump in an instant.
It would be really interesting to see the cost and performance numbers for a vfd and 3 phase pump setup. Even if you run it at 100% 3 phase motors are more efficient, and run smoother and quieter than single phase motors. A vfd would still be needed at 100% to change single phase power to 3 phase. I've looked around online for something like this, but haven't found anything.
the lurker formerly known as THENEWGUY

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