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Old 02-21-2013, 01:02 AM
jamescyr jamescyr is offline
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Default please help! lighting and zoas

i have a newer reef, of about 6 months now.

ive been running 4 39w t5's over a 33 gallon tank. things have been great. 2 10k bubls and 2 430nm actinics.

ive been toying with the idea of upgrading some bulbs, not sure what to upgrade to and open to ideas.

however, the point of this thread is that i have recently bought a 24" strip of royal blue leds. and have been running them a bit below 12 volts. my red zoas right up near the top of the tank dont mind it and seem to be a little brighter.

my green and black zoas a little farther down are much brighter in color, but now arent all opened and some only partially open..
up until the leds were on they all stayed open but the outer ring ( fingers) were brown/ black. now they are vibrant green.

it is quite possible that one of the fish bothered them today and closed them up, but just curious if anyone has encountered this before.

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