Thread: Ich??
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Old 06-04-2004, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Bob_I
Is Garlic Xtreme something one gets at a LFS The reason I ask is because I have two True Percs I purchased last month, which are in quarantine. They of course have ich, and are currently under treatment with KickIch, as I want to see if it will work when used correctly for the right amount of time. They are not terribly bothered, and continue to eat well. I would like to try garlic in conjunction with the medicine.
Kick Ick is supposed to be reef safe, which is why I used it, but it didn't work worth a darn Was like flushing $50 down the toilet twice I used it as directed and for longer than directed, too, due to the long life cycle of ich.

boB, the fish won't be terribly bothered by the first round of ich because there are only a few of them on the fish. But wait 2-3 weeks for the new batch to be ready to latch onto your fish. By that time, there will be many, many more little ichs that will want to attach. That's when the fish get really sick

Wish I could give you a fool proof, easy method of attack against ich. All I know is that I used LOTS of garlic on their food for 3 weeks in the display tank, then when they showed no signs of ich, I moved them to QT for 6 weeks to make sure the ich was out of the display tank. Kept feeding them LOTS of garlic with their food while in QT as well.

Garlic Xtreme should be available at some lfs. I'd phone around to find out which ones stock the stuff before driving all over town.

Good luck

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