Originally Posted by bulletsworld
The cleaner shrimp & neon gobies (known here as the cleaner wrasse) are the only thing to help relief the ich ON the fish. Although my cleaner was a ich picking off machine, the shrimp favoured certain fish, from my own experience anyway.
Actually a neon gobie and cleaner wrasse are 2 different fish. I suggest the gobie because it is a cleaner fish but not an obligatory parasite eater. It will also eat other food. Also, I've read the cleaner wrasse is hard to keep alive compared to the gobie. Is this because they starve when all parasites are off fish???? I don't know. The gobies only have a 1-1.5year life span but according to my reading are very easy to breed in an aquarium and a large number of sold gobies are tank raised.
But I believe for each ich pod (can't remember real name) that is picked off a fish, that is one less ich that will drop off and reproduce in the substrate. If all ich pods get picked off and eaten then the ich has run out of breeding stock. This makes sense to me. Or did I miss something??