Thread: Ich??
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Old 06-04-2004, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Scavenger
Maybe one natural helper you may concider in your ich battle is adding some cleaner shrimp and or neon gobies if your tank conditions allow it.
I'm sure this wouldn't be a complete fix of your trouble but it would probably help.
I totally agree with scavenger. No product on the market gets rid of the ich actually on the fish. The cleaner shrimp & neon gobies (known here as the cleaner wrasse) are the only thing to help relief the ich ON the fish. Although my cleaner was a ich picking off machine, the shrimp favoured certain fish, from my own experience anyway.

Hyposalinity is tricky. Has to measured with a refractmeter only to properly maintain salinity at 1.09 and kept at that level with no fluctuations for 30-40days with main tank empty (of fish) for this time as well. Keeping in mind water evaporation, all the water chemistry you go through during this process of the P.H dropping after the salinity drop pasts 1.16 & the encounter when algae grows & you try to remove it (ammonia spike) or over populating occurs (ammonia spike) or water changes are not kept up (nitrate rises fast & ammonia spike). Long process & stressful at first but worth it in the end. Tank has to be monitored everyday & recorded everyday to notice changes. I have found myself if salinity goes up past 1.09 then you have to start all over again as ich has show me that it can survive. Patience needed for this method.

Only other method besides that that i have found is copper. EEK!

Are you sure you have ich? Check out these for other possible known diseases. Brookynella or Amyloodinium.

And there treatments:
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