See? This is how that happens. You "forget" just once to practice safe fragging, and your whole tank can go to crap, thousands of dollars worth of corals need to get tossed and essentially, you have to start over from scratch.
I've got lots of frags from Wayne, check every one under a microscope and never found anything. I know his tank is fine, and so, the last frag he gave me, when I was busy, did not get checked. Until last night. Oh, look, flatworms on the frag. #$%%
It has been in my system a few days. It got tossed last night. I checked all the other frags and nothing. But the chances that one let loose and went for a swim in the tank are pretty good. Nothing I can do about it now, but that 2 minutes of being lazy, just once, may have just cost me my coral collection.
People, DO NOT add frags to your tank without dipping. You WILL get something bad, and in the case of AEFW, not treatable in tank.