Originally Posted by lngrhaul
So I've been reading here and elsewhere about the options for good LED lighting for my standard 180 gallon (6'x2'x2') and would like your opinions on what I think are my top 3 choices.
My budget is low so can't do the Mitra or Vertex options.
Considering the AI, the Radion or the new Kessil a350w.
I am also looking for guidance on how many of each I would need. I think 3 Radions would do it but would 3 of the AI be enough? And with the Kessil's - the specs say 3 would be enough but can we really trust that?
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom 
Each radion can cover upto 30" so yes 3 should be good enough. I am not sure about AI. But three Kessils? Even my 30" tank would need 2

You need around 5-6 or those and would still lack the look that you would like to have from your tank (in terms of spectrum). Kessils are overrated I must say. They are just good spotlights