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Old 02-18-2013, 07:58 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by gridley View Post
An AC pump is either on or off - full power use or nothing. A DC pump, if it comes with a speed controller, can be set for a lower speed (lower wattage use) if you do not need the full water flow.
Not really, you can get VFD's (variable frequency drives) to control AC pumps. A lot of commercial/industrial buildings use this method for their pumps and fans to cut down on energy costs. Small VFD's have come down in price a lot but whether the cost of adding one would save you any money in the long run or not I couldn't say, and not at all if you are just going to run the pump at 100% all day long. Not all motors are VFD compatible either so that is something else to confirm. If I were starting from scratch and needed a return pump I would go with a DC model if it was as capable as a similarily priced AC pump in an instant.
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