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Old 02-18-2013, 02:46 AM
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acanthastrea freak
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Well if you look at this if you have a tank that is 50PPM of Nitrates and your tank is 100 gal and u do a 5 % water change you are not even doing any damage on the nitrates. u would have to at least do 40-60 gal in that next water change. this would bring the nitrates down to about 10 PPM.

the PO4 Phosban or PO4x4 will take it out but if you are not monitoring the type of food you are putting in the tank IE frozen or the RO unit isn't taking out the Phosphates then you are not doing anything either.
so you see this is the best methods too to taking out the Nitrates and PO4

but remember that using to much Phosban will drop your ALk fast

Vertex Pellets will drop the Nitrates to and so does dosing vodka...

hope this helps
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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