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Old 02-17-2013, 07:09 PM
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Madmak Madmak is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Chestermere, AB
Posts: 432
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I run a 10000 to my skimmer (used to be 2 Eheim 1260s) at level 4, a 10000 as my return (used to be a Mag12) at level 4, a 5000 to my reactors, and a Barracuda as my closed loop.

I know they are quieter and use less power (as per my Apex) but I know one of the 10000s wouldn't keep up with the Barracuda, I'm not sure 2 would even keep up but I may test this soon . They are nice pumps but may have a bit of a exaggerated GPH rating.
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