Originally Posted by gregzz4
Dosing pumps are working well
Spending some time dialing them in and quite happy with the automation
I've had zero NO3 and PO4 all along and it was starting to show with pale corals
Been overfeeding the fish, feeding the corals 2-3 times/week, and plan on knocking back my WC frequency in an attempt to get the corals happier
We're starting to notice more vibrant colors, and hopefully over the next month we'll see some better improvements with more food and stability
So, for reference and eye candy, it's FTS time
Some day I'll be able to afford a better camera - some day
First, your tank is coming along nicely. I really like your aquascape. It's going to look really great once your corals grow out a bit more.
Re your N03 and P04, what test kits are you using? My apologies if this was covered earlier in your thread.