So, update time. I haven't seen the green clown goby since I have been back from holidays so I think he is gone.... Lost some snails as well. The tank was overfeed and full of algae, which I expected. A few water changes later it is starting to clear up, Nitrates are dropping, ammonia is gone and algae growth has slowed.
I had found a little HOB skimmer before I left in Jan and put it on but really didn't have time to get it dialed in properly. It is working well now and it seems to be steadily pulling crap out of the water. You can see the ATO pump up front and the live rock back section is the actual sump with live rock , heater, skimmer and pump.
I moved some livestock from home as I am fixing the big tank at home. A couple of snails and one Orange mushroom. The ones I had in there orginally seem to be doing okay. I haven't seen my Green Star Polyps since I have been back but it doesn't look like they are total dead, just hiding. Hopefully the water changes will start affecting them soon.
I have put in my coral order today, and they will all go in this tank for now. Once they start to grow then I will look at moving some to the 150 Gallon at home. I forgot how expensive shipping is... and I really need to either travel to Calgary more or find a cheaper way to do it. I have ordered:
Blue Ridge-Heliopora Coerulea x2
Branching Green Hammer
3 diffrent Zoa frags
Sulawesi Living Lava
They were all listed as novice-intermediate so i figured it was a good place to start.
Here is the fts and one with the stand and everything.