Originally Posted by paddyob
This is an expensive route that never worked for me.
You need dozens to make any ground. From the breeder here...
"you need two tanks. First breed them and then when you have lots, add to your display. If you don't do this you will never see them again. "
I added two directly to my display. Never saw them again and never reduced aptasia at all.
It is a very slow process if it does help.
Maybe consider peppermint shrimp first. Or a file fish if you can.
After spending $40 on two nudis I'll never try them again.
I think two is not enough. I bought 4 for $60 and the aptasia was wiped out within a week. You can try PM themastr (Erick). Last time he told me he would have some in Feb. I have tried peppermint shrimp and filefish as well but found the nudis to be the most effective.