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Old 02-16-2013, 02:32 AM
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Calgarynewtankguy Calgarynewtankguy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 84
Calgarynewtankguy is on a distinguished road
Default Stuff that's sold and picked up

Hi there

All live stock gone but have the following left. Some of these are spoken for and just waiting to finalize pick up.

Anemone bubble tip
Frog spawn
Some snails and a few hermits strawberry snails
Live rock dry rock
Zoa colony
Emerald crabs x 2
All the hardware listed

All other fish have been picked up. As mentioned some of the above have been spoken for but if not a for sure will let everyone know
150Gal 48x24x30 with centre rear overflow (1" controlled drain with 1 1/2" emergency and 1" pump return)
33 gal sump/refugium
Sun System Tek-light T5 6 bulb
Mag18 return pump
RLSS R8i skimmer
Neptune Apex controller
BRS combe reactor (carbon GFO)
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