Originally Posted by reefwars
at 12 ft what are you getting out of the 20000?
from the chart on the speedwave box the dc2640 at 12ft is about 900gph at 85w
from the chart in the box for the sedra it says at 12ft its also 900gph but uses 200w 
I guess it would depend on whether a new pump is required and how long a person plans to use the pump to see if there is any actual savings. 115w at 0.089 cents works out to $7.36/month. The price I found online for the DC2640 pump was $299 (not sure what you are selling them for) so 3.5 years to break even. Maybe pumps will be more efficient in 3-4 years time as well. If a new pump is required then DC is the way to go for sure, just to replace an existing pump to save money a buyer should do the math first to see if they are satisfied with the possible results. How the pump is being used will also effect the outcome, I'm calculating at 100% 24hrs a day but if a person doesn't require 100% the speed control on the DC unit can be dialed down to adjust flow as compared to an AC pump that runs at 100% all the time and uses a valve to control flow. This would further increase the power savings with a DC pump.