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Old 02-15-2013, 10:58 PM
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darkreef darkreef is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: calgary
Posts: 338
darkreef is on a distinguished road

So I took the rocks out and realized that my tank had this orangish brown algae growing on the walls . It was like a film until I noticed it all over my plants deposited in wiggley lines on decorations . So I wiped everything down and did a big water change(75%) . And turned down the lights to only 8 hours . The next day I was showing my boyfriend because it came back because we were looking hard we noticed tiny white worms moving like mosquito larvae. Now I stoped doing feedings hoping my RTBS will eat them and will continue to do 10% water changes (vacuuming gravel) . I don't know what to do because medications are poisonous to crustaceans. And algae chemical solutions are poisonous to plants .
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