You must of got the SUPER garlic then!

Garlic I do agree helps & is definitely good to help boost the fish immunity.. I agree…try. I use myself. But it’s no secret that "Garlic" DOES NOT CURE ich.

Tell that to all the people that lost fish to ich infestations & tried garlic ONLY.

I think in this case since molybdenumman has no QT this is the ONLY option to try…the garlic. Also Selcon is good (vitamins).
There is only two methods to CURE ich completely. Copper or Hyposalinity. Neither method can be used in the presence of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) or invertebrates and so treatment must be performed in a quarantine or hospital tank. So again in this case it’s not an option with no QT for molybdenumman.
Garlic is good to help boost immunity to the fish, try garlic for yourself when you have a cold, works awesome to help you fight it. But again it doesn’t cure you or your fish. Fish can claim partial or full immunity. Which has already happened in molybdenumman tank since only skunk clown, tomato clown, flame angel and bicolour basslet shows signs of ich but the yellow tang, false perc and banggai show no signs.
Just to keep in mind, the ich grows bigger & the cysts will fall off the fish between 3-7 days regardless if you soak food in garlic. Which to some will appear that the ich as completely gone. In long term sensitive or ich prone fish like coral beautys, powder blue tangs, porcupine puffers, boxfish, cowfish & filefish or any new fish added to an already infected tank under heavy infestations, I'm afraid the wonder garlic will not save the day and will result in the demise of the fish.
But since that’s your only option then go with garlic and don’t add any new additions like sensitive fish as listed above.
Best of luck molybdenumman.