Thread: New to dosing
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Old 02-14-2013, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Royal Aquariums View Post
Really tough to say , there's alot of variables that can impact how much you have to dose. Do you know many ml you would approximately be dosing a day for brs additives?

It's going to be very tough to beat our product for price/quality comparison. And you can be sure that it will always be available to you.
My calculations based on their 1mL/G formula I would be dosing 500mL a day of both Calcium and Alk, and about 80mL a day of Mag. If you break that down to actual costs of the powdered supplement I get the following:

80mL of Calcium per day
62mL of Alk per day
15mL of Mg S per day
25mL of MgCL per day

I'm hoping my math is right but I think that sums up what I'd be dosing in powder version each day.

Originally Posted by don.ald View Post
Have you thought about using a reactor?
I've always used a reactor and I'm not a huge fan to be honest. I hate that you have to use CO2, I always had to dose extra alkalinity because the reactor never kept up, and I'll have to dose magnesium anyways so I figure I might as well just dose everything. It seems much simpler to dial everything in without the fluctuation in pH from using CO2.
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