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Old 02-13-2013, 11:02 PM
tim the toolman tim the toolman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 396
tim the toolman is on a distinguished road

I had a large birdsnest colony that had been bumped free from its current place in my tank so I grabbed my tube of ecotech glue. I have only had it for about 4 months or so. I turned the tube pride down to glob some on the base of the colony and a bunch of runny liquid came purging out over the colony. Seems that the glue had serrated or something like it. Anyways the spots on the colony that the liquid ran over are now losing all their tissue and I am starting to fear the worst. This just happened today, and I am wondering if any ecotech glue users have had this happen before? Sorry if this is off topic, just thought I would share. I have always used dollar store gel superglue before this and I will continue to do so from here on out.

That is all.
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