Originally Posted by SharkBait48
So I have had my CBBF for 3 days now I got him to start eating but I came home today and checked him out to find a white bump on him. It looks like a grain of salt embedded on him, Syst like...
Hope I can get some clarity really wanting him at full health
Uh-oh. Grain of salt sounds like an ich description but you would normally see a lot more than one bump. Not always though. Is he in your Display tank or QT? If he's in qt no need to panick just treat him, if he's in your display I would act sooner than later and stick him in qt and start treating. If you wait until it gets worse, those copper bands are touchy and you may lose him 
Patience is key in the hobby of reef keeping. All you can do is wait, and wait, rip your hair out, and then wait some more.