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Old 02-12-2013, 02:44 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

75g bonsai tree: zoanthid dominated mixed reef

30 x 30 x 20
external overflow
beananimal overflow
steel stand powdercoated black 30 x 30 x 30
custom light hanger for dual radions
27 x 27 x 27 custom sump with refuge
vertex rx-1.5 media reactor for carbon
vertex uf 1.5 media rector for bio pellets
tlf150 for gfo
mag 5 running carbon and gfo ( rox carbon and hc gfo)
eheim 3000 for bio pellets(vertex pellets)
2 x radion g1 programmed on artificial and peak 80%
ecotech vortech mp10 at %100 pulse
vortech mp40 at %80 reefcrest
koralia 1400 on back wall
speedwave2640 dc returnpump feeding display and fuge, 4th speed
dual jager 200w heaters
tunze ato
apex lite controller
2 x brs peialistic dosers


numerous corals but zoanthid dominated,lps,sps,nps


pj cardinals x 3
copperband butterfly x 1
achilles tang x 1
trojan clown pair
blue spotted leopard wrasse
black leopard wrasse
mystery wrasse
melanarus wrasse
scooter dragonette
red/blue mandarin
green mandarin


large fire shrimp
12 +/- peppermint shrimp
pair of adult harlequin shrimp

right now for a skimmer i am using my asmg2 with mesh mod and its done well for me long before this tank but its skimmer shopping time and i got an idea what i want but ill keep that one to myself untill i pull the trigger

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