Thread: trusses
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Old 06-02-2004, 01:29 AM
Vagabond Vagabond is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 109
Vagabond is on a distinguished road

I had a similar situation to yours.

I live on the third floor of an older wood frame walkup, and was concerned about the floor joists being able to support the weight of the tank and sump.

I had a long conversation with a structural engineer and he said the best thing is to build a pedestal out of 2x4's and a 3/4" piece of ply. The closer you place the 2x4's together the better. Basically once the stand, tank, and sump are placed on top of this the weight is dispersed accross the whole area of the pedestal. the larger you make the pedestal the further you disperse the weight.

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