It is wired, but it can be wireless if you use something like that.
I have those powerline connected to my Profilux and it works wireless perfectly.
- Custom tank from Blau 140 Gallons (48x30x24) + Sump 75 Gal.
-Blau 2X250W + 4X54W T5Ho, Skimmer: JNS SK3,
-Tunze Nano wavebox+6105+6055+MP40
-Profilux 3 + 4 GHL Dosing pump
-Bellus, Watanebei angel, Flameback, Sargassum trigger, Mimic tang, Kole tang, Copperband, True Percula pair, wrasse:hooded, Pink Margin, yellow,solorensis, blacktail tamarin, pseudochromis, Anthias, Bangai,pipefish