It is now official - Clams just became more difficult, if not impossible to import
As of Feb 4, the regulations surrounding the importation of clams into Canada just got significantly more rigid.
According to my supplier the 25 Tongan Maxima Clams that I have in stock right now are the last ones that I will, as it sits right now, be able to import.
Myself and Steve of Red Coral just got them in under the wire.
they are beautiful.
if you want to have something that no one else will be able to get in the future....these are your clams.
I will try to post pics tomorrow.
However, I will guarantee you will not be disappointed.
make sure that if you are in the neighbourhood you drop by Marine Experience or Red Coral to get one of these beautiful clams.
I will be extending my sale prices this weekend to these clams.
However, this will be the last time that a discount is applied.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Last edited by howdy20012002; 02-08-2013 at 04:18 PM.