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Old 02-05-2013, 07:36 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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That's pretty straight forward. It's basically the same ideas as the LM2725-ADJ that I'll be using the step down from 24 to 12 V all bundled with an inductor into a nice little package. Basically by varying the value of the two resistors you can change the output voltage, mainly the resistor connecting pin 6 and pin 7. That said both resistors play a role. I tried looking up the datasheet for that converter and it is fantastically ****ty (from a Chinese manufacturer - nuff said). They have an equation for calculating the output voltage based on the resistor values but it seems to be on crack. I'll run through the math and see if I can clean it up and make some sense of for you, then give you a graph of the resistor values versus output voltage.
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