awesome pics worked , now I am motivated to keep going.
One thing I have come to love is viewing all the amazing build threads online.
so i would like to share my simple one .
Anyway . We sold off all our tanks and loaded up the uhall and headed out west to Victoria .
We bought a house oct of 2011 . And life went buy .
Then in late December of 2012 I got the urge to have another SW system . So on A tight budget i began scouring the classifieds. I came across 110gallon semi cube that had been converted into an all in one .
this tank had on overflow built into it that was the width of the tank and 10 inches wide .
inside that area was a 9" tall baffle for a skimmer , then a secondary area for whatever .then the return area about 7" tall , 4 " long .. Held about 1.8gallons of water ..
In this return section there where also 3 holes drilled for 1" bulkheads
so at this point the tank had usable area of 26x28x25h
So with the tank came the following
Mag 9.5 return
older reef nwb-oct150 skimmer ( was very clean)
hydro power head 2
1 heater
and a lumentek 250/400 ballast and lumen max 2 reflector . with 250mh bulb
Now I have never even seen a mh bulb up close .. Crazy big . I had also never heard of a skimmer lol
But with the wife and myself convinced i had everthing i needed I told her it would be up and running in a matter of weeks ............
Thats when I jumped back online and began reading and reading and ......
To my surprise lol i realized the tank was not set up how i wanted it ..
AND thus begins the tank build .
I started with removing the existing in tank overflow and baffles .
there ! one Big tank .. looks way bigger now .
That took 5 hrs by the way ..... found out that the really small thin exacto blades work best .
Took the previous glass wall down to the glass shop and had them cut to 10" wide peices for me ..
and created this
was happy , started to look like a proper tank again . I was really pleased with my self.
I let this cure for 7 days before filling it up and testing for leaks ..
here we go no leaks woot