Well Hello everyone
This will be my first time ever doing a build thread and posting pics.
Little back story .
My wife and I have kept FW tanks for the last 12 years . They were all below 75 gallons . We kept a cichlid tank for around 5 of those years . Our maintenance was very simple , weekly water changes and filter cleans .. thats it.
I have never tested a single water peramater etc . Cichlids were having babies like crazy , and we never really lost any fish on any sort of large scale .
Then one day in Calgary we noticed a small setup and running 12 gallon JBJ Nano .. Came complete with some coral and rock etc .
So we scooped that up .
Having no idea what we were doing , I took to the forums and learned what I could .
I didnt get to serious into the SW hobby then. Again maintenance consisted of weekly 10 percent water changes.THATS IT. Never tested anything. My coral was growing out of control to i might add . GSP Basically took off lol .
I kept that tank for about 8 months . then sold it prior to our move to Victoria BC..
here she is in here glory
with a close up
had a couple of clowns and a yellow watchman gobbie .
going to end this post as a test to see if the pics worked ..
more to come