Yah I think i'll turn my auto doser off.
This morning my filter sock was overlfowing, and there were long, stringy strands of brown goo clinging to the fabric on the outside. I can only assume that means the tank was in the process of blooming, as the lights were on normally all day yesterday, I put the garbage bags up and unplugged my lights right before the normal lights out period.
I read through the entire massive thread on peroxide dosing on R2R, and there was a guy doing his PhD on dinos who was getting people to send him samples. he said that most people who sent him samples were actually dealing with cyano or diatoms, but that the ones who did have dinos all had different kinds, and he hypothesized that the reason peroxide worked for some people and not for others might be due to which species it was.
I'm going to give it a try, I'm hoping I caught it early enough that it won't become an entrenched problem. I've got a week to try and deal with it, then two weeks of me being away for it to do whatever it's going to do. Fingers crossed that I'll come home from the US to a sparkling and healthy tank.