I told myself I wasn't going to update this thread any longer because I was getting tired of typing out all of my frustrations, most of which I still have.
Now it's time to go to extremes, the tank comes down this week. Not to sell off or get out of the hobby but to figure out a different way of doing things.
On the list of things do:
A) Rebuild Sump - it's been off-line for a year.
B) Re-plumb the tank, quite a few leaks have developed for some reason.
C) Take full advantage of my Apex
D) Figure out a better way to run reactors
E) Figure out my lighting situation - fix what's causing the issues with my ballasts or switch to a different form of lighting.
F) Aptasia - I had two file fish that took months to start eating them and once the tank was looking great they up and died, the aptasia is back with vengeance. If I don't get this problem sorted the next step is to just burn my house down, that’ll kill it!
G) RO/DI still doesn’t work correctly along with the auto top off – the solenoid valve no longer holds back water, the secondary float valves works fine but I like having the redundancy of two valves.
H) Aquascaping – I hate what I have.
I) Canopy, time to make this thing look good.
Damn, that’s quite the list – now I’m really depressed.
J) Consume vodka meant for tank…..