Thread: Starting out
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Old 02-03-2013, 06:43 PM
Phil Phil is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Spruce grove
Posts: 328
Phil is on a distinguished road

Yes Neptune apex is wireless with the modular. Are they worth it I'd say yes here are a few things u can do.

#1 if your tank gets to hot it will turn off your lights.
2 - feed mode set to shut off pumps and power heads.
3- if your heater fails on your contorler will cut power to it
4- u can set up a fan to turn on or chiller when temp go up.
5- u can turn on and off anything from your cell or iPad
6- u can check on the tank when your not home threw your phone

Personally I think it's insurance at first u may not have much invested in coral and live stock but u will. Also they all have glitches personally I run apex on both my tanks.
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