I have a fish rescue. I have ads in the local papers "please don't flush your fish. Will even pay a small fee" Then I set up tanks in seniors homes, the hospital, anywhere there are folks in need, and maintain them on my dime.
I also rescue feral cats/kittens, rehab and socialize them, spay/neuter them and adopt them out at no cost. I've also rescued two horses from the meat truck, two bearded dragons, two red earred sliders, two gerbils and a fire-bellied toad. At times, I provide a foster home for dog/puppies and I can't even guesstimate how many cats/kittens we've rescued but our feral cat issue no longer exists in our neighborhood.
Ironically, I am an avid hunter of all North American big game, though I don't fish.
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as Gods. Cats have never forgotten this.