Thread: Uh-oh, Dinos.
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Old 02-02-2013, 06:31 AM
Werbo Werbo is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 436
Werbo is on a distinguished road

Can you post a pic

Are snails dying or appear sick? Most dino's are toxic to snails.

I have had Dino's and they almost drove me to quit this hobby. I read a lot and learned a lot. First off there are several types of Dino's. So raising ph may work on one type but not another. Likewise a period of darkness may work or may not depending on the strain but more than 3 days will stress corals. Tried peroxide and it did nothing but it apparently works for some.

My tank was ulns and that was the trigger. After trying everything what worked was:

1. Stop carbon dosing
2. Increase bacteria (mb7, zeobac, ect)
3. Let nitrate and po4 rise. Actually try and grow hair algae. C'mon I know you can do it. Dino's in a ulns system can use sulphate (in salt mix) as a food source.
4. After all this I ended up breaking all my sps of the rockwork and removing my sanded. Scrubbed every rock in the sink with a toothbrush, rinsed in old tank water and put no rocks back in tank(rocks in sump). All sps went on eggcrates.
5. With the higher nutrient levels, clean rocks and no sand I never saw them again.

In hindsight i would siphon out as many as you can and try a period of darkness (total blackout) for 3 days. Stop carbon dosing. If this doesn't work I would remove your sandbed and scrub the rock daily wih a toothbrush. Hopefully you do not have to break he corals off.

Good luck.

Last edited by Werbo; 02-02-2013 at 06:37 AM.
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