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Old 02-01-2013, 09:50 PM
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magikof7 magikof7 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 166
magikof7 is on a distinguished road
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I do so many things. I can't keep up lol.
I am teaching myself the art of Pysanky, (drawing on eggs)
I have an embroidery sewing machine I like to work with fabric making table cloths, towel sets..You name it. I am trying my hand at making quilts. I make cage liners and houses for my critters. (WOW! since when did I become a big Gurl!? lol)
I read, Finally had to get an Ereader because I have boxes and boxes of books.
I'm about to take up Skidoo-ing.
In the summer time...Camping! fishing, boating.
last summer my Dad and I rebuilt his jet boat. I enjoy working with my hands.
I'm also a gamer. although I don't have a lot time to play with the kids and pets but I do like to play when I need down time.

I spent my childhood camping in farmers fields, and numerous other places while My Dad raced formula 1 and quickie rc planes every weekend (even when there was snow on the ground) . He was an active member of the rc clubs here in Calgary. The hours spent in his hobby room while he was building a plane from scratch while Mom read to him. She and Dad also used to race rc cars.
The smell of Hot stuff and mixed epoxy brings those days back.
75 gal Starphire front and sides with a 43 gal sump/refuge reef.
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