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Old 02-01-2013, 06:46 PM
Rogue951 Rogue951 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: East Vancouver
Posts: 388
Rogue951 is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Hammer, SPS, Monti's.

Big red monti cap. May fracture some cause it's all over the glass and rock below. attached to a 2-3lb rock. Bring a bucket for this one.
$40 obo. (Want this GONE.)

All 3 of these are red milli (I think) with blue tips.
Colors are washed out cause they haven't been given good lighting since they got cut off. Mother colony is the bottom right coral on the pic above.

$20 each for the big ones, $5 for the small on the right.

Background right - Monti confusca. Fresh frags $5-10 depending on size.

Green stalk pink head branching hammer.
I will be making frags of this as needed. Willing to sell whole branch, but would keep a frag for myself.
$3 a head or by size. Whole thing for $75.

Horrible pic but Back colony is Yellow+Blue tip tenuis(I think)
Front colony is Blue tort(I think, google for a better picture)
Will make fresh cut frags of these.
$10 a frag.

Brown with blue polyp montis.
Will break off pieces as required.
Starting $5.

Available after 5pm.
A few blocks away from Nanaimo Skytrain station.
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