Been a while and we have had a few harsh battles.....
Lost many fish sadly most were with us for years and many moves.
Not a coral loss.... Outside a nippy fish or too. (But its hard to reprimand a fish I have found)
Purple is growing great.
Shout out to Red Coral (Steave & Doug) always big help and top notch live stock, Blue World (Ken) 1st class customer service, and alway a big one to Phil (Zoas like none other)
Updates: 3x TLF 150 reactors (2carbon 1rowa), UV Steralizor (Turbo Twist 12x 36 watt), and RoDi 7stage.
Fish list :
Huma (Picasso) Trigger
Pair Blue Throat Triggers
Starry Blenny
3 Chromis
Leopard Wrasse
Tomini Tang
Unicorn Tang
Naso Tang
Koran Angel
Singapore Angel
Bi Color Angel
Eilbl's Angel
Majestic FoxFace
Orange Spotted Golby
(Yes I know many can be problematic)
Nothing going on as of lately due to the money well drying up but who knows what the future will bring.
Sent Via The Pirate Ship...