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Old 01-31-2013, 05:26 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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mseepman is on a distinguished road

Tonight I worked on putting the dry-rock that I had into the Display. Never a task I look forward to as I just always feel that it could be better. Sorry about the crappy phone pictures.

Anyways, the thing to remember when you look at the pics is that I have about 75 more lbs of "live" rock still in a tank at my old house waiting to move over and fill out the "look". Although the minimalist look has become more popular lately, I feel that this needs to go higher and so hopefully the other rock will eventually accomplish this.

The "live rock" has been in a tank about a year with a couple Chromis so although it has very little Coraline algae, it should be alive enough to help me jump start this tank. I will also be using a 30 pack of Prodibio Startup to get things rolling.

Here's the pics.


290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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