Originally Posted by Skimmer King
Yuppers when I received my RSM 250 it has star fire front and I knew it so I took my tiger shark. I took them out and added a complete new felt and Velcro scrubber. low and behold after the tank was transferred its contents to the new tank .. all I heard was a huge scrap. and then I went I can't speak.
Do you starfire owners with non scratched glass use a felt to clean the tanks or a normal cleaning pad.
Mike, remember when I said careless? Tiger shark is magnet for 15-19mm glass thickness, a RSM250 uses 10mm glass. The Piranha is rated for 10mm but the Hammerhead would have also been a better choice as well which is what I used on my 10mm, 12mm and now 15mm starphire tanks. Standard velco pad for glass, never once has it scratched it.