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Old 01-29-2013, 07:20 PM
NanoMel NanoMel is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Kamloops
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Default Fluval Spec 5g Crustacean tank

This is my first salt water tank so i thought seeming that my brother uses Canreef all the time for his 55 gal. Tank i would post my tiny 5 gal tank here. It's been running for 3 months now, i used live sand, dry rock with a piece of 'seed' live rock from my brothers tank to get it started. I really like my Fluval spec. Water levels have been awesome, no complaints there.

Currently i have 2 pom pom crabs, 3 sexy shrimp and a snail. (snail came from the live sand if you can believe it or not!! Lord only knows now long it was in that bag before i placed it in my tank but now it has a forever home)

As far as coral goes i have a purple mushroom, a water mellon mushroom, a rock full of some sort of mushroom and a star polyp rock.

Plans for the future include just adding more coral to it, i was hoping to put in a piece of frogspawn possibly add some life to the tank, any thoughts on what i should add would be appreciated. No plans to add any more crustacean's i think this amount of life in the tank is enough.

BIGGER plans for the future are to get a second fluval spec 5 gal, put them end to end and create an external sump under both tanks to help with stability and allow me to have a porcelain crab tank beside my pom pom tank. Any thoughts on how i might be able to get that to work would be helpful to as this is my first salt tank. Many thanks for checking it out. -Mel

-What my tank currently looks like-

-my pom pom crab pair-

-sexy shrimp enjoying the mushrooms (not sure which kind)-

-Not sure if anyone's observed this but in the mornings when i turn on my light my sexy shrimp are blue, here is a side by side comparison of morning and 10 minutes later!-
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