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Old 01-28-2013, 11:32 PM
burge1234 burge1234 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: okotoks
Posts: 25
burge1234 is on a distinguished road

If there was ever a leak in the upper tank the water would drain into the lower tank and sump not my floor. And yes you are right about it taking on air which makes it really easy to patch. Use bubblegum if you want the vacuum created by the hole would make it stick. Plus the surface would be dry to silicone. Also. If it was a full break at least my live stock would be safe in my lower tank. And yes you are right about it leaking faster but I also have a window to work with before its on my floor. A leak is a leak. And a break is a break. Doesn't matter what you have and what shape upside down side ways.... It sucks period done so you can try and say your tank is better for a break or leaks if you like but its pointless to me. What's next? Earthquake? Cause I can sum that up to.... Probably sucks as well. If you can't think outside of the box then don't get out of it!!!

As fir the air bubbles in the top.... I have had some when I water change but I just use my lift pump and suck them out. Takes about 5 min. A person could plumb a line to the top to constantly pull the air out and even run an air stone but then you are running the risk of a loss in pressure of the upper tank. I've done it though. Looks really nice..... But risky. If the lift pump fails and the air stone continues to pump you are in for a world of hurt. You would have to have the air pump on a float for safety. Or you run tge lift pump on a loop. The air in sucks from the top it feeds to the air stone in a cycle. But not sure if that's good for the water. I'm still looking into it. If any one knows that I owe yoi beer
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