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Old 01-25-2013, 05:44 PM
Blue Ram Blue Ram is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 78
Blue Ram is on a distinguished road

UPDATE: the following livestock is not pending and can be reviewed and/or picked up on Sat. (arrangments can also be made for other pickup times)
see detailed description in first post - prices remain the same

3 maxi mini anemones

Pagoda Coral

Fox Coral

Candycane Coral (also have several smaller pieces at $5/head)

1 large colt coral on a nice rock with other softies

1 green riccordia

several rocks covered in brown and green button polyps (starting at $10 a piece)

rocks covered with green striped mushrooms


the following zoas were purchased from Cultivated Reef Sales ( You can see photos of what the zoas look like and the current prices

Rock with approx. 28+ polyps of bambam and some brown and green button polyps (I would frag the bambams off of the rock so they are not competing with the other polyps)

Rock with approx. 27+ polyps of devil's armor and 35+ of mint chip (definitely a fragging project to separate them and start several smaller colonies)

15+ polyps of japanese deep water blue hornets

7" size rock with yellow/brown zoas, green mushrooms and button polyps

Very difficult to price these so I will consider all offers given. Not looking to make a profit, only what they are actually worth.

Will have some larger pieces of live rock at $4/lb

All fish pending except wrasse & tang
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