120 Gal Tank Shutdown - All Livestock for Sale
Following livestock for sale:
Fish (all fish and coral has been in my tank for 2 yrs and are very healthy)
Flame Angel $45
Male Lyretail Anthias $25
(2) Pajama cardinals (must go together) $20
Scopas Tang $35
Halichoeres nebulosus or Cloud Wrasse (very beautiful purchased from Sustainable Aquatics) $55
Extra large (12”) magnifica anemone with 3 clownfish (will not separate as they have been together for 3 yrs – anemone has been the perfect host and has not moved in my tank for over a year) $150 SOLD
3 maxi mini anemones – 1 burgundy with green border $45, 1 teal colour $35, 1 brown with green border $30
2 clams – 1 purple with beautiful brown mottling @ 5” for $75, 1 solid purple @ 6” for $85
Duncan Coral (least 12 large heads – very beautiful) $140
Large (6”+) pink and neon green hairy mushroom – my favourite piece in the tank $70
Pagoda Coral (green) $50
Fox Coral (Pavona sp.) green $50
Candycane (16+ head) $90
2 Large colt corals $40 each
Large rock with at least 14 orange/purple riccordea mushrooms priced @ $15 per mushroom or discount for entire rock
1 blue riccordia $15
1 green riccordia $15
(2) large rocks covered in brown and green button polys $45 each
Large colonies of zoas (including japanese deep water blue hornets, devils armor, mint chip, bam bam – all purchased from Cultivated Reef Sales in the US) – prices starting at $45
Most of my live rock is covered in some form of softies – either mushrooms or zoas or zenia and will be priced per piece. Bare live rock will be priced @ $4/lb (rock is covered in beautiful purple coralline algae)
Pls note that I will not be posting OR emailing photos.
All livestock can be viewed starting at 9 a.m. Saturday Jan 26th in the Coachhill area of Calgary. Pls contact me via email.
Willing to give discounts for multiple purchases and take offers on several other pieces that I have not listed as I’m not exactly sure what species they are. I have no problem with anyone interested in simply taking a look at what I am selling.
The fish will not be able to be moved until most of the rock has been taken out of the tank to avoid undue stress on them.