This build is going fairly quickly and I just wanted to clarify that normally you wouldn't be able to move as fast as I am with additions. The only reason I can get away with it is because I started with fully cured, well established, live rock that I transferred from my house to the daycare (which is 20 mins away) and I moved the rock fully submerged in water so that there was little to no die off. Similar to doing a tank transfer.
Got some new additions and took more tank pic's so you can see the aquascape better. All pic's are taken with my iPhone, so not the best quality, but not to bad.
The front of the tank (you can see plastic needle point mesh covering the top overflow because Tang got partly stuck in it his first night in the tank)
left side
right side
peppermint shrimp (here's hoping he likes aiptasa since I see several in there already

Green clown goby who we named "Hulk"