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Old 01-22-2013, 05:50 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 4,137
fishoholic will become famous soon enough

So I was sitting on my couch about to go mist down my gecko terrarium when Doug walks upstairs. I look over at him and mention how Reese must be hiding somewhere good cause I hadn't been able to spot him (in the terrarium through the glass) all evening. Turn back to the terrarium, open the door to it (about to start to mist it) and out from nowhere Reese takes a flying leap out of his cage, hits me, then lands on the floor! Needless to say I screamed (my heart pounded wildly) semi panicked for half a second (cause I realized my gecko just got loose) and my cat (whom I'm fairly certain would love to eat Reese) and my 2 dogs where just a few feet away, eek! Anyway, I looked down, and there he was just below me, thankfully I managed to scoop him up before he could go anywhere and got him safely back into his terrarium.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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