First of all, I'd just like to say hi. I've been browsing the web for weeks looking up information on saltwater systems and just happened to stumble across this site. Its nice to finally find a forum occupied by people in and around the city that I live in

Some information about myself.... I've kept freshwater fish since I was a little kid. I'm a freshwater moderator on another aquaria forum. Currently I have a 66 gallon Malawi tank running, and a 70 gallon CO2 injected plant tank running as well. ATM, I have a 30 gallon salt tank cycling with a cocktail shrimp.
On to my question...
I've been looking around for some place, or someone who's willing to sell/give me a decent patch of macro algae. I've heard that chaetomorpha (aka. spaghetti algae) is overall the best kind of macro to get... since they don't go sexual, and are pretty decent for nitrate export. However, my search for a Canadian source of chaetomorpha has been fruitless... does anyone know of a place where I can get some? I'm willing to go as far as Calgary. If not chaetoporpha, what other kind of macros could I get? I'd like to avoid chalupa since they can go sexual... but if I can't get anything else, I will try my hands at it.
Thanks for the help!