I have had almost every scourge you can think of in my main display tank. Had very high nitrates, high P04, cyano, GHA, turf algae, ditritus, aiptaisai, etc, etc. I inherited this tank about 2 1/2 years ago, when we moved into this house. It took the better part of the first 1 1/2 years to get it back under control, while learning about SW and reef keeping.
I am now happy to say, tank is looking very clean with zero P04 and nitrates, and am now starting to grow SPS. And no more aiptasia (at least haven't seen one for a long time). I have to give a lot of credit to the use of bio pellets and MB7. And to my Pearlescales for ridding my tank of aiptasia (used to have 100's, maybe thousands of those ugly buggers, even my back glass was covered with them).
Now if I could just get rid of those scratches on my acrylic tank panes...