Thread: Tv 55 or bigger
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Old 01-20-2013, 07:39 AM
mohammadali mohammadali is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
Actually just bought a 70 inch sharp aquos last night. I was really tempted to go with the 55 inch samsung 3d led tho as it looked like a awesome tv. All the sales guys were trying to push Sony hard not sure why but when I researched Sony has had 2 million TVs recalled in the last 2 years so I stayed away. With 3d the Samsung you need the active glasses and other brands lg for example u can use passive. So much crap on a tv now a days I kept ours pretty basic limited options for smart tv and what not.
that 70" sharp TV work as a heater in the house
feel the screen its really warm
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